so i just wanted to mention that it was yu li of some required - - that sorta motivated me to start this blog. i don't know her. we've never met or spoken, but i dig her style, her taste and her ideas. so today i'm stealing one straight off her page to mine - giving her of course, the props she deserves. so... because erin doesn't email me these fun lists anymore i'm gonna lift yu li's. thank you some required. xoxo
what's the last thing you read?
33 1/3 book on zeppelin iv. yes, i'm still on the 33 1/3 trip. the floyd book i ordered online got lost in the mail...
who was the last person you hugged?
lent when he dropped me off outside of south station.
what's your current obsession at the moment?
kate moss, redsox baseball, the gym, andre balazs (the brand not the man), my crush at the gym, fffound... not much has changed with me.
what are you wearing right now?
nothing. i'm still in bed.
favorite color?
who is yr favorite designer?
jean touitou, john varvatos, steven alan
if you could have any super power, what would it be?
i'd be able to go into the future. or i'd be able to zap motherfuckers who talk too loudly on their cell phones.
what's yr favorite phrase?
don't flatter yourself.
what is your favorite season, and why?
fall. it's finally cool and not humid in nyc. plus i think it's relaxing to wear a coat and not be super cold like in the winter.
if you could have a house- totally paid for, fully furnished- anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?
favorite vacation?
beach, paris, turkey, tokyo - anywhere would be ideal with the right lover.
what was the last thing you bought?
dinner last night.
name something you cannot live without?
the rolling stones, the velvet underground, pink floyd, led zeppelin, the beatles, my canon, my guitars, the internets, hats, redsox baseball, movie theater popcorn, drawing books, notes, my blackberry.
if you could wake up anywhere tomorrow, where would it be?
do you nap a lot?
what is for dinner?
probably shrimp tacos from the taco bandit
favorite cake?
cheesecake i guess... not sure.
what are you doing right now?
listening to blood on the wall, motivating to get outta bed super early for no reason, and reminiscing about the old days of ny1 when pat wasn't yet a rockstar, roger clark was fat, and gary anthony ramsey was on the scene and not calling into shows pretending to be a hatian dancer.